Travelling solo to Sisi
Things that we do quite happily in our twenties, such as travelling abroad on our own, can present more problems as we get older. In the past, I would take out travel insurance not really considering the possibility that I might fall ill. Now I inspect the policy to make sure all eventualities are covered. Likewise, if something went wrong it didn't really faze me. I remember as a student arranging to meet a friend of a friend to end the year in the Alps. When I got off the bus she wasn't there and I had no way of contacting her. I waited for an hour and then found a taxi to the station where I caught a train to Lyon. I wasn't due home for another three days and nobody knew where I was at that moment yet it all worked out fine. Today endless scenarios of 'what if?" play on my mind before any trip. I'm not a huge fan of package tours, preferring instead to travel independently, but I thought the time was right to give it one more try. I realised that finding th...